Chihuahua (short coat) : : Male : : Adult : : Small
About Gus | |
Little Gus is now 6 lb 2 oz of cuddles and kisses. (After a week with his foster mom) ❤️
He will need an adult family who understands he's been mistreated and needs to learn to trust his new humans. Once he trusts you and realizes you won't hurt him he will respond with love and kisses.
If you want a buddy to stick by your side, talk to you, and be a drama KING, Gus is your guy. He loves other dogs, big and small and cats too. He's doing well on house training outside, but he will use indoor pee pads if available. He gets very scared at unknown sudden movements or strangers. Once he knows you, he will be your best friend.
He is up to date on all vaccines, neutered, micro chipped, and on 6 mo Heartworm preventative. He was also fecal tested and had a complete exam so he is ready for his forever home to the right family! Gus came to us after being neglected his entire life. He had never been to a vet or ever known Love by a human. He is slowly learning to trust but needs patience and understanding. ❤️
Adoption donation for Gus is $225.00.
Completed and approved application, reference checks and home visit required. Please message us your email address for an application. No kids as there is a chance of biting in fearful situations . Please share Gus! He is being fostered in Loris, SC close to myrtle beach . ❤️
More about Gus
Other Pictures of Gus (click to see larger version):