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Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 peacelovepawsinc@gmail.com
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Kate (Spade)

Happy Gotcha Day Kate! 
Little Kate was born a few hours from Myrtle Beach. Her mom was a stray dog some people were feeding out in a rural area after she had been abandoned by her owner. We were called on for help and we stepped in right away. 
Kate joined former plp alumni Max aka Boomer to make this family complete! 
They are already best buddies and we could not have asked for a better family! Thanks Hardwick family for adopting this precious girl! 
Have a great life Kate! We love you!
Thank you Michelle and Tara for caring for her!


Happy Gotcha Day Koda! 
Koda came to us right before Christmas. Her family had packed up her Christmas stocking and all of her belongings. They said she had bitten the child in the home for trying to take something away from her, so she had to be rehomed or taken to a shelter. 
We don't know exactly what heppened , but we do think kids definitely should be respectful of the dogs' food bowls, toys, chews, etc. to be safe. 
Koda came to us a happy little girl but very overweight. (She loves her food!) 
She wasn't with us long enough to start losing much weight but when her new family read her bio about being a little chunky and maybe not wanting her food messed with, they said she reminded them of their recently departed dog., Snickers. 🙏🏻
Although a beloved pet cannot be replaced, a new one to care for can definitely help mend a broken heart. 
Koda made a trip to North Carolina the other day to meet them, and it was love at first sight. 
Koda now lives with her retired mom and dad and will be the center of attention. She even has a big, fenced yard to play in. 
Thank you, Liz and Brian, for adopting and not shopping and thanks to Kim and Rhonda for transporting and fostering! 
Have a wonderful new life Koda! We were blessed to assist you in finding a new forever home.


Congratulations to our sweet little survivor Kimmie who has found her forever family!! 
Kimmie found herself alone in a rural shelter in March. We offered to take her but while waiting for her stray hold to be up she became very sick. We rushed her and her shelter mate, Maggie Mae to the Emergency Animal Hospital where Kimmie stayed four or five nights after being diagnosed with Parvo. She was released and then readmitted after a setback. We were very worried about her but she is a fighter and pulled thru!  Kimmie received all of her vetting and we were sad that she was growing up in her foster home but over the weekend her luck changed. 
 Kimmie is now the only pet and has the biggest back yard with her new family! She was in heaven when she went for her meet.
Her new Mom works from home currently so Kimmie will have lots time to bond. 
Thanks Tara for being such an amazing foster mom! 
Thank you Poole family for adopting and not shopping! 
Have a wonderful life little girl. We love you Kimmie!


Congrats Kaya who has found her forever family!  We took Kaya in last month after her young owner got her without her landlords permission and sadly could not keep her. 
Thanks Steve and Debra for fostering and adopting! 


Back in July we were notified of a small corgi mix who had been brought into a North Carolina shelter who we frequently work with.  The owner had brought him and let it be known that he had been terrorized by the little kids in the home. He was so scared and skiddish. 
We were lucky to have a foster who likes working with scared dogs and who had the time and patience to help teach them how to trust.  Little Koda was a work in progress and it took quite awhile for him to warm up and feel comfortable around people. 
He had a few meets and people interested in him when he became available but a lot of people don’t want  a dog who isn't a "cuddly" dog. Koda didn't like to be picked up and was scared of a harness and leash.  
Koda had come to love and trust his foster family and they decided after taking him on a family vacation that he was already HOME.  He had been with them just over 3 months and having him start all over with someone new was not an option. 
Thank you Brenda for fostering and adopting this little guy. You have changed his life. No more being scared or hurt. 
Foster families are the lifelines of Rescues and sometimes they are the best place for their foster dogs also. 
Never look back Koda! Have a wonderful life!

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Last Updated: 3/11/2023 7:40 PM
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