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Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 peacelovepawsinc@gmail.com
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Happy Gotcha Day Karma!
Karma came to us close to two months ago after neighbors saw her living alone in her backyard.  Her "owner" had gotten her as a puppy and had banished her to living outdoors without even a dog house. He even got mad at her when she chewed the plants in the yard... even though she had little food, toys or treats and was a puppy! She was, understandably, afraid of this person. 
Luckily the nice neighbors talked this person into surrendering Patches, (now Karma) to a rescue and she soon joined PLP. 
We started her vetting but Karma had some issues. She was scared to walk on the leash, concrete or the tile floor. Poor girl had not been socialized at all. Luckily, her awesome foster mom, Brenda did a fabulous job caring for her and earning her trust.
When Karma was posted for adoption, she sure was popular! We had so many applications, we were not sure how we were going to choose.  
Today, however the search ended. Karma joined her new dad, Scott, who is retired. Karma has a new best friend and so does he! He was all ready for her when she showed up for her meet! 
Congratulations Scott and Karma! We are so happy for you both. Thank you so much Brenda and  Kimberly for helping this little angel!  This is why rescue matters. If she had been taken to a shelter she may not have made it out. 
please Adopt; don't shop!


Back in February we were notified of a little chocolate lab girl who was out of time at the county shelter. She had been found in a rural area of South Carolina and animal control had brought her in. She was absolutely terrified at the shelter!  She was scheduled for euthanasia if a rescue didn't step up. 
 Luckily, at the last minute, a foster stepped up, and this girl joined PLP. 
She settled into her foster home and started her heartworm treatment.  Usually we spay the dogs fairly quickly but for some reason Kobe wasn't spayed right away. When she did go in for her appointment, the vet called that am and said, "we can't spay her, she is expecting …..next week!" LOL The next dilemma was quickly finding a foster home who was willing to deal with delivery and puppies! Fortunately, one of our regular fosters stepped up and the following week this sweet girl delivered 8 beautiful babies!
 For the last 9 weeks our Mama Kobe has been the best mother tending to her babies. They were recently weaned and our Mama was spayed and finished her Heartworm treatment. 🙂 
Fast forward to now. The Burke family had applied for one of our dogs 2 months ago who was in the process of being adopted so they just missed out. They wanted a 2-3 year old medium size dog and Kobe fit the bill! They came to visit her a few weeks ago and instantly loved her. :) 
Now usually when a dog has puppies, all the puppies get adopted and that leaves the mama behind to be adopted last. (or in some cases never )
We think Miss Kobe deserves the very best! She has been thru a lot; from being taken to a high kill shelter, barely making it out, removed from one foster home, having babies, and going thru heartworm treatment. 
Today our girl joined her new family and is now in North Carolina as an only pet.   Her parents are retired and now it's Mama Kobes time to be spoiled and to be the Queen of the house! She will soon have a new name to go with her new life!! What could be better? 
Thank you Burke family for waiting to find the perfect match. 
Big thanks to Teri W for taking care of our girl thru her pregnancy, delivery and helping with the babies! What would we have done without you?! 
Go live your best life Mama Kobe; you deserve it and we are so happy for you.


Seven months ago we pulled a little heeler pup from the shelter; a happy little guy who never stopped moving or smiling! 😉 Kevin received all vetting and waited ... and waited. We had a few apps on him and he was even adopted once and returned after a few hours. 😞 (he likes to guard his stuff; what can we say;))
But .. we are thrilled to announce that Kevin is finally HOME!! Happy happy day!! 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
Thank you so much Samantha and Tyler for giving this guy the home he has so desperately wanted.
Thank you Melissa for fostering our little man for all these months and not giving up on him! ❤️ 🐾
Have a wonderful life Kevin!! We love you!


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Last Updated: 3/11/2023 7:40 PM
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