At the end of August we had an adoption event where this young gentleman was approved to adopt Amber, our hound mix puppy. The foster family decided they were in charge of the rescue and behind our backs told him he was no longer approved and decided they weren't going to leave Amber with him and would keep her for themselves.(yes grrr) She suddenly "disappeared" and we have tried to get her back but they refuse to cooperate.
He waited and waited for Amber but finally when seeing little Lani he decided she would make a perfect addition to his family.
So yesterday sweet little Lani joined her new dad! She has lots of friends and family to keep her company and we are excited to finally make his dream come true.
Congratulations Malik and Lani! Sorry to keep you waiting but hopefully this beautiful girl will make your life complete.
We are so happy for her as she was the product of a backyard breeder who was giving her away for free after selling her siblings as "Pitbulls". Her dna says she is a Staffordshire terrier mixed with Bearnese Mountain dog so she couldn't be a sweeter mix!
Thank you Meagan and Carol for fostering and transporting!
Happy Life Lani and Malik! Merry Christmas.