Welcome to Peace, Love, & Paws, Inc!
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 peacelovepawsinc@gmail.com
Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Back in July we were notified of a small corgi mix who had been brought into a North Carolina shelter who we frequently work with.  The owner had brought him and let it be known that he had been terrorized by the little kids in the home. He was so scared and skiddish. 
We were lucky to have a foster who likes working with scared dogs and who had the time and patience to help teach them how to trust.  Little Koda was a work in progress and it took quite awhile for him to warm up and feel comfortable around people. 
He had a few meets and people interested in him when he became available but a lot of people don’t want  a dog who isn't a "cuddly" dog. Koda didn't like to be picked up and was scared of a harness and leash.  
Koda had come to love and trust his foster family and they decided after taking him on a family vacation that he was already HOME.  He had been with them just over 3 months and having him start all over with someone new was not an option. 
Thank you Brenda for fostering and adopting this little guy. You have changed his life. No more being scared or hurt. 
Foster families are the lifelines of Rescues and sometimes they are the best place for their foster dogs also. 
Never look back Koda! Have a wonderful life!

Last Updated: 3/11/2023 7:40 PM
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