At the beginning of November, we stepped up for a little hound who had been at a nearby shelter in North Carolina for a few weeks. Rescues had come and gone and didn’t choose this little one for whatever reason.
She looked bigger in her photos but we soon found out she was about the sweetest little thing and such a doll! She had to be treated for a tick illness but was soon on the mend and ready to search for love.
The Carter family had applied for one of our pups back in the spring. They had breed restrictions and needed approval before adopting dogs in their community which made things tricky.
When we suggested Clarice they were on board for meeting her. Clarice can be a little shy at first but she instantly gravitated to her potential family.
This week Clarice joined her new family complete with kids to keep her busy! She will never be lonely again.
Thank you Carter family for adopting and not shopping and thank you Marc for fostering!
Have a wonderful life sweet girl! We love you!