First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Please make sure the application is completed in full and no questions are left blank. This will speed the process up for the volunteers and you.
How would you prefer we contact you about your application?* Choose one: Cell Phone Call Cell Phone Text Email Home Phone
How old are you? (Must be 21)*
What is your Driver's license Number?*
Which cat are you interested in adopting? Please submit applications only for cats that are currently listed as available on our website. If the cat is not listed here, that means the cat you are interested in is NOT yet available. If you submit an application for a cat that is not yet available, it will not be processed. So please watch our website until the cat you are interested in is listed and then you can submit an application.Thank you.* Choose an animal: Terrance
Please list all other adults and children living in the home. Include name, age, and relationship to you.
Do any children visit your household? What are their ages and frequency of visiting? *
How long have you lived at this address? Any plans to move?*
Do you own or rent your home?* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent or live in a condo, does you landlord or association allow pets? Choose one: Yes No
If you rent or live in a condo, please enter your landlord's or association's name and phone number
What is your place of employment? How long have you been at your current job? Please provide contact information and hours per week/day worked?*
Are you a student? If so, where do you attend school?*
Please provide name, phone, and address of your current pets' vet
Who will be the primary caregiver of this animal?*
In the event of an emergency, who would care for this animal and what arrangements would you make?*
Does anyone have allergies to pets in your household?*
If you had to move, what would you do with the cat?*
Have any of your pets ever been lost or hit by a car?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, what was the outcome?
Have you or anyone in your household ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
Please list any pets your currently have, including name, type/breed, and how old
Do they get along with other animals? Choose one: Yes No
Are you current pets spayed or neutered? Choose one: Yes No
If you currently have cat(s), are they declawed? Choose one: Yes No
Are you planning to declaw this cat?* Choose one: Yes No
Will the animal be kept strictly inside, outside only, or both?* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
What will you do if this cat does not get along with your other pets?*
Please list two personal references who are NOT related to you with phone numbers. *
How did you find out about the availability of this pet?* Choose one: Current foster Current volunteer Print ad Adoption event Peace Love and Paws Facebook page Other Facebook page Peace Love and Paws website Adopt A Pet website From a PLP volunteer Word of mouth Other
Please read each statement carefully and indicate your agreement by checking "yes." The words "cat" or "pet" refer to a single cat or multiple cats being adopted.
I agree that I will not give away, sell, or otherwise dispose of this pet to any person, dealer, auction, retailer, institution, shelter, or any other entity. If the pet is ever lost, I will contact Peace, Love, and Paws immediately. I agree to return this pet to Peace, Love, and Paws, Inc if for any reason it does not work out or if I can no longer provide it with a good home. In these above circumntances, I agree to contact Peace, Love, and Paws at 843-424-0845 and/or at so they can reclaim this pet. * Choose one: Yes No
I have read over the adoption process posted on the Peace Love and Paws website. I understand the dog i apply for may already have applications. Plp reserves the right to deny any applicant for any reason or false information. I agree to have my photo taken with my new pet if i adopt from PLP. * Choose one: Yes No
This cat is being adopted by me solely as a pet for myself and/or my immediate family.* Choose one: Yes No
I will not abandon this cat for any reason.* Choose one: Yes No
I understand that the animal is adopted “as is” and that while the rescue has done everything medically indicated at this time, it is not able to foresee and is not responsible for future medical needs. * Choose one: Yes No
I agree to care for this cat in a humane manner and to provide it with food, water, shelter, and veterinary care.* Choose one: Yes No
I agree that this pet will not be declawed. I understand that declawing is a painful, serious surgery that is actually an amputation comparable to cutting off the tips of a person's fingers at the first joint of the knuckle, right below the fingernail. To declaw it is necessary to cut through the cat's bone and nerves with a guillotine-like instrument, leaving an open hole that is filled with glue. The declawed cat will experience considerable pain in the recovery and a long healing process.* Choose one: Yes No
I agree that this pet will reside inside my home to keep it safe and avoid the risk of injury or danger caused by roaming outside freely.* Choose one: Yes No
By law, my pet must be vaccinated for rabies and that Horry County, SC will enforce this law.* Choose one: Yes No
I understand that Peace, Love, and Paws, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, about this pet's health or temperament, and is absolved from any liability for future damages or injuries that might be caused by this animal.* Choose one: Yes No
I can contact Peace, Love, & Paws, Inc. at 843-424-0845 for advice if my newly adopted pet should become ill or develop behavioral problems within two weeks of adoption.* Choose one: Yes No
I certify that all statements made by me on this agreement and the adoption application are true and correct. I agree that Peace, Love, and Paws, Inc. has the right to confiscate this pet in the event that any statements made by me are found to be false and/or if my check for adoption fees is returned.* Choose one: Yes No
I understand that my nonrefundable donation to the non-profit goes back to the organization to cover the rescue, medical costs, and food for other animals. All donations are non refundable.* Choose one: Yes No
A cat can live 16-20 years. Are you committed to giving this cat a home for its lifetime? * Choose one: Yes No
Thank you for adopting a cat/kitten!
©Peace, Love, & Paws, Inc 2020 All Rights Reserved