Welcome to Peace, Love, & Paws, Inc!
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 peacelovepawsinc@gmail.com
Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Happy Gotcha Day Mr. Hank!! 
Hank joined us in April when his time was up at the county shelter. He had been found running loose with several other dogs but what stood out was the heavy chain and padlock that was on his neck! 
Hank's adjustment to living indoors was not easy for the little guy. He busted out of crates and destroyed doors trying to get out. After a few weeks of trying different crates, supplements, and approaches he finally began settling in.  He also had a great foster mom who is really good with dog training who helped Hank along his journey. Thank you Angela! 

Hank's original foster mom was a temp situation because of some health issues but once those were addressed she decided "Hanky Poo" needed to join her again, only permanently! 
Hank is now "Home" where he belongs and will never be abandoned, scared or living outdoors again. We treated all of his ailments and he is now living the good life with his Mom and sister, Mia! 
Hank really is the sweetest boy; but he could not be adopted at the shelter because of several things. This is why Rescue Matters! Have a wonderful life Hank and family!! We love you.
Thank you Amy for fostering and adopting!! 

Last Updated: 3/11/2023 7:40 PM
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