Welcome to Peace, Love, & Paws, Inc!
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 peacelovepawsinc@gmail.com
Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Congrats to little Ben who has found his forever family! 
Ben joined us a few months ago after his owner tripped over him and a family member insisted he be taken to a shelter. 
Ben was very unsocialized and scared. I'm sure the loud shelter didn't help matters for the little ten-pound guy. 
It took Ben awhile to warm up and trust people but once he did, he turned into a little love bug. He was also a little harder to place as he couldn't go to a home with bigger dogs or kids, but we knew we would find the perfect home for him. 
Ben went for a meet last week to a home with two other little female chis; one who looked almost identical to him! 
He fit right in, and everyone loved him! 
Thanks Christopher and Virginia for adopting little Ben and giving him a new life. We know he is in heaven with the other littles. 
Thank you, Amber, for picking him up from the shelter and fostering. 
Happy Life Ben and new family!! 

Last Updated: 3/11/2023 7:40 PM
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