Back in January, I received a message asking if we could save Tigress from the shelter. She had been there over 60 days, and her time was coming to an end. She had kennel stress from lack of exercise and stimulation and her hair was falling out.
I said, "yes, let me see what we can do." We posted her until we approved a foster, and she made her way to the beach. Sadly, after two weeks, the foster threatened to drop her off at a shelter as she allegedly wasn't housebroken and had other "puppy" behavior that they did not like. Tigress went to the second foster home where she settled in, had rules, and finished her vetting.
We never thought this little 35lb pup would not be adopted right away. She is high energy but that makes her more adorable! And she loves to cuddle after a long day of playing and running.
Her foster family was going on vacation in June, and we begged and begged for a temp spot for those several weeks. Tigress was juggled around and even spent a week at Dog Boarding at the Beach, where she was so LOVED and treated like the princess she is. (Highly recommended)
At the end of her boarding stay we finally had some interest in our sweet girl, and we think she was just holding out for the perfect home!
Tigress joined her forever family after a brief "trial foster" last week and she has already adjusted so well! She has a labradoodle sister with the same energy, a big, fenced yard, and lots of family members to make sure she gets the exercise, stimulation and all the cuddles she deserves. She lives a block from the beach and is enjoying her evening walks. She has definitely made herself part of the family.
Congrats Tigress and Sparkes family!! Thank you so much for adopting our sweet girl! You are angels and such a blessing.
Thank you so much to your foster family, temps and transporters for helping Tigress along this six month journey!
Have a great life Tigress! We can't wait to see lots of updates.
Never look back and enjoy that beach life!