Congrats to Mr Wiggles who is finally HOME!!! woohoo
Wiggles came to us on Christmas day. His owner had taken him to the county shelter after a vet visit had determined he was heartworm positive because he had not given him any heartworm preventatives! Instead of treating his condition he was turned into a high kill shelter right before the Holidays.
Now, we knew that a black, bully -looking, heartworm positive dog didn't have much time in a rural shelter so we stepped up and his awesome foster mom took him in on Christmas day! What a gift this boy received!
He finished his treatment and vetting and then waited, and waited. Black dogs are always harder to find homes for unfortunately.
Last week everything changed for Wiggles when one of our local animal loving friends saw his photo on facebook and applied for him.
Wiggles now lives with his new mom and dad, his new doggy sibling named Sunshine and has a big yard to run and play in.
Thank you Kandi for fostering and taking such great care of Wiggles and thank you Teri for being his new mom!! yay we are over the moon.
Have a wonderful life and we can't wait to see lots of Pupdates!
thank you for adopting!
Back In December we took in Margot after her owner had passed away. A neighbor had taken her in temporarily but Margot was off to the shelter without our help. We stepped up and Margot went to a foster home where she settled in and received all of her vetting.
Margot was adopted in February but returned recently because the adopter said she peed in the house sometimes. We had told her she was a little old lady who may have to use a pee pad sometimes but she didn't want to do that sadly.
We brought Margot back and she went to a new foster home. Several days into it the foster wanted us to find another place for her because she was snippy with the other dogs at meal time. So Margot was moved again.
Today Margot's life has taken a turn for the better as she has found her happily ever after. Her new mom says if she has an accident she will "mop it up and move on".
Thank you so much Dube family for adopting a (sometimes) grumpy senior gal. We love that you are already in love with this girl! Thanks to everyone who has had a part in Margot's journey!
She deserves to be happy and content and not bounced around anymore!
Have a wonderful life again Margot! Don't come back now, ya hear!
ððCongratulations to Mitzi who has found her forever home!!
Mitzi came to us in December. She had been turned into a shelter in North Carolina. This little sweet girl was all alone so we sent someone for her right away.
Mitzi finished her vetting at the end of December and was ready to find her family! The Kennedy family was searching for a cat friendly dog to join their family and Mitzi fit the bill! She joined her new family over the weekend!
She will now get to go to the dog park regularly and go on lots of adventures with her retired new parents!
Thank you Tara for fostering crazy Mitzi! You are amazing!
Congrats sweet Mitzi! Have a wonderful life!!
Minnie is finally HOME!!!!
Back in March. we stepped up for a very scared little hound at the county shelter. She was out of time and had to be out. We scooped her up and got her all fixed up, spayed, vetted, heartworms treated and she was adopted after a few months.
When we do adoptions we ask that all family members be involved because we want to make sure it is the right fit. A small child in that household wasn't present but the adopter ensured us it would be fine and that she wanted to bond with Minnie first and then bring the toddler home who was at her grandparents.
After a few months we got a call that she no longer wanted Minnie because Minnie was afraid of her child and was too "timid". We immediately picked up Minnie and she went back to her original foster home. Thank you Tara!!!
Minnie goes back on the market and we get numerous applications for her. We insisted that Minnie have a doggy sibling because it gives her confidence and a playmate and she just isn't happy being an only dog. We had numerous applications for her without another dog and we want what is best for all of our dogs so we waited and waited. We were all starting to think Minnie was going to be with us for a year. We had 13 apps on her but something stood out with number 12.
When Susanne messaged us asking about Minnie we were hopeful. They had another dog named Murphy who came from a Charleston rescue and they wanted a playmate for him. Everything aligned perfectly and yesterday Minnie joined her new family!!
She now has a fenced yard and a brother to play with. Minnie is finally getting the home she so deserves and we couldn't be happier for her.
Thank you Tara for being Minnie's angel all these months and thank you Susanne and family for welcoming our special girl into your home and hearts.
I think all of our Christmas wishes have come true for Minnie.
Have a wonderful life Minnie Mouse!!! We love you.
Mac came to us in September after his "owners" decided he was too much work because he needed daily insulin shots. :( People saw his photos on our page and were interested until they found out he was diabetic and then they would shy away. :( Poor Mac!
Patti had lost her beloved dog over the Summer and was ready to find a new family member. When we told her about his medical conditions she said, "Oh, i am a retired nurse, that doesn't bother me!" and the rest is history! Patti fell instantly in love with sweet little Mac when they met! :)
Mac joined his new family yesterday in Pawleys Island complete with a 32 year old Parrot! :) As you can see, it appears to be a perfect match!
Thank you so much Megan for fostering our sweet boy! Thank you Carole for chauffeuring little Mac around to his vet appointments and thank you Amber for bringing him up from Columbia. :)
Thank you Patti and family for adopting a special needs senior!! The world needs more people like you!
Have a wonderful life Mac! We love you!